Sunday, 30 January 2011

Book 7 - Let's Meet on Platform 8

Well to say I hadn't finished a book in a couple of weeks and now I finish 2 in a matter of days - I think I can safely say I have csught up!!

I started this book after breakfast (9.30amish) and finished by dinner time (6pmish).

Now although it was finished within a day does not make it a great book. In fact it was only an OK book.

It started off great and then went down hill from there. The characters were not very believable especially Jamie and to be honest I didn't really feel anything from them, no back story was expanded on as the book went on let alone touched upon a single moments. The story itself was very repeptetive.

To say it was about affairs - starting on at a train station - there was more story about communting on trains than the actual relationship of any of the characters. Now don't get me wrong, I myself was a commuter once upon a time and can see where parts of the story were true to life, but it just went on for too long, especially when more could have been done to the people, backgrounds etc.

The ending too was left unresolved and for me very predictable.

So this does not get a thumbs up and in fact it gets an "ehh" hand wobble.

About train commuters, for train commuters, a 2.5/5

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